' Burning In The Skies,' the album's first full track, introduces the narrative with its alternative sound. It begins at the bottom of the hierarchy of destruction: at the self. With the end result and the warning now established, A Thousand Suns begins its narrative. Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. It is followed by the interlude ' The Radiance,' which provides some foreshadowing from the past: the famous "I Am Become Death" speech delivered by Robert J. The record is brought in by the eerie sounds of eradication, the robotic voice that cries in ' The Requiem' above the desolated instrumental spelling out the doom of humanity before the causation has even begun. Much like the record that proceeds it, 2007's Minutes To Midnight, A Thousand Suns has an apocalyptic, end-all-be-all sense to it. The album is a concept album that tackles the destruction of man and the methods behind, targeting the human psyche above all else. Such is the discussion in Linkin Park's fourth and most prolific record A Thousand Suns, which foretells the end of humanity by means or atomic warfare. The conquest for supremacy has led to the destruction of our own people, birthing war and violence as a result of it all.

In the search for our own progression, we destroy those who hinder us, whether that means burning bridges or taking lives. Humanity has the unquenchable desire to better itself by any means necessary.